Open Data sharing by Microsoft

Open Data

Data acquisition really started in earnest at the end of the 20th century, when Google started to win over other search engines and Facebook decimated Myspace and then conquered most of the world (it’s still to gain a foothold in China).   It is Big Business in 2020 and the data collected is staying in the servers of a few big players, giving unprecedented power to the larger corporations and certain governments.  Microsoft have now made an open call, […]

AI and Your Security

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With all the fears of Skynet and thinking machines taking our jobs, lives, wives etc, companies like our partner Watchguard are using security focussed Artificial Intelligence (AI) to beef up their models and take online protection into the future.  Given the increasing speed and aggressiveness of newly emerging malware, ransomware et al, AI can be a […]

Why Training Employee’s is a Good Thing! (Especially Online Security)

Employee Training

  In general, we train employee’s for real-world applications, to keep up with the latest industry standards, new rules governing our area of expertise or bringing new Staff / employees up to speed etc; all important parts of the well-maintained business. The truth is though, most companies are unaware of the best reasons for offering […]

LB Tech Solutions partnered with ConnectWise


What you don’t know can really sting you in the modern world of cyber warfare, so the way to start protecting yourself is to start asking questions, and with our partners at ConnectWise we can offer you answers by utilising Risk Assessment (utilising an NIST Cybersecurity Framework*) across your entire business, not just the network. We provide […]